St Thomas' C of E Primary School

St Thomas' C of E Primary School

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  1. Classes
  2. Year 5/6

Year 5/6

Welcome to Year 5/6's class page.  Here you can find out about what we are learning about this half term, important key days and see what Year 6 is all about!

About Us

Mrs Lambert teaches in Year 6. Every morning, we have Maths, English and Guided Reading lessons. Throughout the week, in the afternoons, we learn about History, Geography, Art, PE, RE and PSHE. Each half term, we have a dedicated week to focus our learning on Science and DT so that we are able to apply ourselves to a detailed DT project and Science investigation.  Our learning is based around a different narrative each half term, and we like to immerse ourselves into the narratives through a range of Drama strategies. 

In Year 6, we want to ensure that every child achieves his/her potential emotionally, socially and academically.  We are working on developing our resilience, believing in our own abilities and developing a positive approach towards learning and problem-solving. We complete a mixture of activities, which require independent work, paired work and group work. We enjoy lessons which consolidate and extend knowledge and skills that have been learnt across the Key Stage and also embrace opportunities to develop research skills in order to learn brand new information too.

Key Days

Thursday - PE (Indoors)

Friday - PE (Outdoors)

Friday - Homework to be handed in.

Friday - Spellings Test

Our Learning Environment

Year 6 Newsletter

At the start of every half term, we write a new newsletter. This can be found under Parents then Letters to Parents.


Year 6 Information

Below are some useful links

My Mini Maths

Corbett Maths

BBC Bitesize

TT Rockstars

Top Marks