Welcome to Year 3's class page. Here you can find out about what we are learning about this half term, important key days and see what Year 3 is all about!
About us
The teacher in Year 3 is Miss Maddock. Our teaching assistant is Mrs Burt and we also have a Max the Maths Monster who helps us with our times tables! We do lots of Drama activities in Year 3 to develop our vocabulary and express our ideas before writing them down. We also work on developing our resilience and attitude to challenge - taking a positive approach and believing in our own abilities! Year 3 believe in kindness and support each other when we are finding things difficult. We enjoy working as a team, in partners and also individually to get learning tasks done and to stay safe and happy.
Thank you for visiting our Year 3 page.
Year 3 Newsletter
At the start of every half term, we write a new newsletter. this can be found in Parents then Letters to Parents.